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Something lurches inside me.

“We tried to stop her-”

She throws herself against me, small arms around my waist. I raise a hand to touch her hair. Dark, like mine. When was the last time I wrapped it between my fingers to tie a braid. Was memory of my hair, or hers?

She turns her head up to look at me. Her eyes are filled with tears. I cup her face. I see my mother in her browline, my father in her nose, I see…


I was seventeen.

“She’s just shaken up.” Taler crouches down to speak to her, voice so gentle.

Ash is watching me. I can see something in her face. Guilt. Sickness.

Gripping her hand as we climb into the car-

Rubbing her back as she retched on the boat-

Standing at the door of her shower cubicle-

Making her put the bugs back down-

“Orchidia,” I choke.

That name. It’s everything. She’s everything. I lost everyone but her. Did everything for her. Every step of this horrible, horrible journey, for her. I crouch and press my forehead to hers, hold her as tight as I can, feel every shake of her body against mine as I Remember-

For the first time in so long I am Remembering.

“He tried to take you from he,” I whisper, “never again.”

<=Forget End=>

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